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Will They Stay, Or Will They Go?



Will they stay, or will they go

A decision on Brexit will be made later today, and the poll is still neck and neck.

As of earlier today, the final poll shows a small lead for the side of Remain.

The Ipsos MORI surveyed 1,592 people and suggests that 52% are voting to stay in the European Union, while 48% are gunning for a Brexit.

Research shows that the older population is more likely to vote for a Brexit; almost twice as many people over the age of 65 are voting to leave the European Union than those under the age of 35.

People voting to leave are concerned that Britain will not be able to control immigration levels while being subject to the European Union freedom of movement rules.

These rules allow any citizen of the European Union to live and work in the United Kingdom.

However, David Cameron, the British Prime Minister has stated that Britain will be able to better control immigration while remaining in the European Union.

He is concerned that leaving the European Union will cause an economic downturn and cause chaos in the markets.

George Soros has warned that silver could fall 15 – 20% if voters go for a Brexit.

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