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Biden Unveils $1.9T American Rescue Plan



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During a primetime address Thursday night, President-elect Joe Biden unveiled his proposal for an “American Rescue Plan,” a $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief package designed to pump money back into the economy, help Americans get through the hard times, and streamline the vaccination drive.

RELATED: Bernie Sanders Says No To $908B Relief

Focus on Households

Biden outlined his priorities for his first few days in office. Calling on Congress to act unified on urgent matters, Biden said it’s important that the government use its powers to help struggling Americans and spur economic growth. “We have to act and we have to act now,” he said. Congress must help families at this time. Those earning less are currently struggling while white-collar workers are saving more. 

The incoming President proposed that half of the relief program budget should go directly to households, He suggested additional stimulus checks for American households in the form of $1,400 direct payments to supplement an earlier round of $600. Biden also suggested $400 a week unemployment insurance until September, as well as expanded paid leave and increased child tax credits. 

Coronavirus Pandemic Rages On

The coronavirus pandemic continues to wreak havoc in the United States. As of this week, the country recorded around 23 million cases and 384,375 deaths since last year. The daily death toll hovers at 3,000 over the past few weeks. The majority of schools remain closed while businesses either operate at lesser capacity or remain shuttered. 

“Just as we are in the midst of a dark winter of this pandemic as cases, hospitalizations, and deaths spike at record levels, there is real pain overwhelming the real economy,” he said. “The one where people rely on their paycheck — not their investments — to pay their bills, their meals, and their children’s needs.” Biden added, “And there is no time to wait. We have to act and act now.”

Vaccination Program

As part of the American Rescue Plan, Mr. Biden wants $160 billion in funding the national vaccination program. This includes $50 billion to increase coronavirus testing, including schools. It will also cover mobilization for a public-health jobs program, plus other steps to help fight the virus. According to Biden’s campaign team, the federal government will set up community vaccination sites nationwide, promote an equitable distribution of vaccines, and address supply shortages.

The plan also calls for free vaccines for all people regardless of immigration status. This requirement might cause some resistance from Republicans. Biden noted that so far, the current administration’s plans are a dismal failure. He will discuss the vaccine plans in more detail this Friday. 

Republican Support

In order to get the American Rescue Plan off the ground, Biden will need bipartisan help. In a joint statement, Senator Chuck Schumer, incoming Democratic Senate Majority leader, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) said that they “will get right to work to turn President-elect Biden’s vision into legislation that will pass both chambers and be signed into law.” Even as Congress will feature a Democrat majority in both the House and the Senate, these pluralities are slim. The Senate is split 50/50, so he’ll need the votes of all Democrat Senators and at least 10 Republicans. Democrats in the House also have a smaller majority compared to the 116th Congress. 

Biden remains optimistic in getting bipartisan support. He said, “Unity is not a pie-in-the-sky dream, it is a practical step to getting things done.” Still, there are hopes he might get support across the aisle. Senators such as Senator Marco Rubio went public with their support for bigger stimulus checks, including Senator Marco Rubio of Florida. However, there will be critics. Representative Jason Smith (Mo), the top Republican on the House Budget Committee finds the package too big. “Joe Biden did not propose a COVID package tonight—he proposed a liberal takeover of the American economy,” he said. “Americans aren’t asking for trillions of dollars in new spending. They just want our government to open our economy, get their kids back to school, and create jobs.”

Federal Borrowing

In addition, the president-elect didn’t propose spending cuts or tax increases to pay for the program. Instead, it will rely on federal borrowing. Biden remarked that this is not the time to worry about how the program will widen the already huge budget deficit. The emergency situation and near-zero interest rates justify the decision to proceed with his proposal.

Watch the video from the official Joe Biden channel where the President-elect announces his American Rescue Plan:

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  • Ernest Giordano says:

    Anything Biden does will not be good for America

  • Pete says:

    Easy money, credit rip offs, the Biden Way! Build back butter, or something like that!

  • Debbie says:

    Pelosi and the dems will sneak in as much pork as they can with the help of lobbyists to redistribute amongst themselves.
    Republicans will be stuck paying for all the bad decisions democrat states made supporting BLM and Anita destruction . I’m sick of the lying , cheating, and stealing by Congress. Congress needs to be impeached.

  • JRL says:

    I do not agree with the proposed $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan? We law abiding and tax payer citizens will pay the bill for this proposal while those that don’t and won’t pay any taxes have no responsibility to pay it back. Look at the give away programs if you don’t think what I said isn’t true.

  • Roger Sudler SR says:

    this is the same $2,000 that President Trump was trying to get passed and it couldn’t get through congress or the senate. The people need the help through no fault of their own. we are already dying of the Covid-19 pandemic let’s not let the people die of starvation, loss homes and everything else. There are many problems that will come with Biden’s plan we can be sure of that.

  • Billy says:

    It will also add to inflation as more money is distributed with no product being manufactured in the US to fund this foolish spending.

  • bailiffnextcase says:

    Hell no , this traitor should be in prison . How much of it will go to foreign countries ?

  • Clark says:

    Me myself working around a mine for over 30 years l have considered all government officials as terrorist for years

  • Candace S. says:

    Roger Sudler agreed! There are people starving and lost everything to this pandemic. The rich and the poor. So while all you say we don’t need it setting comfortably in your home with no worries about how to pay bills and are not hungry think about that. Hard working Americans are lost and this is new to us all. We should all come together. I am not eligible for the stimulus because of my income but I support are family Americans rich or poor, who need this money. We’re all in the Same pandemic and are supposed to be getting through this together. This is America and no matter who the president is we need to come together as one and help each other.

  • kal says:

    This is where the Republicans need a backbone too trim the Pork out of this bill and give the rest to people and business’s that need the help! President Trump is the one who started the $2000 payout but in the end the left will get the credit for it not President Trump!! I hope god will bless our country because we need all the blessing we can get with these socialist / communist that will be in power!!!!!

  • Ed says:

    If they touch our Social Security and Medicare to pay for this they should be prosecuted and put in jail. I noticed they never missed a check during this pandemic. Why don’t they give themselves a cut in pay, they are always in RECESS and never accomplish anything.

  • Jan says:

    The people need help in our country first, 1500 pages of stuff for things that maybe when our economy is good would be ok . But right now we can’t be sending billions to countries for studies that make no sense mostly at this time. I think the house and senate should be locked into a room until they read every page of that bill I’ll bet 90% don’t have a clue what they voted on. Our country needs to be first, we are always the most generous country but this year we need to take care of ours first!

  • Charles Lewis says:

    This is a bailout four states that didn’t manage their money New York California Chicago why are all of the rest of the states bailing them out

  • S. Weiner says:

    Why didn’t you pass this when Trump was President he put these bills before you a billion times and you f****** played politics

  • Megs says:

    It’s funny Trump wanted to do this a month ago, but nobody wanted to support him, now the dems are doing it and it’s all rainbows and butterflies??? I dont think so, its called taking what was already there and trying to make it yours.

  • Dennis Spillman says:

    I want congress to address only one issue in one bill. No more adding sneaky little things or pork irrelevant to the matter the bill addresses. One problem addressed, one problem solved! Furthermore it doesn’t take 6000 pages to address an issue. Most can be sufficiently addressed in one-two pages.

  • Mike Sorge says:

    This financial relief bill is packaged with “good, bad & ugly”!

    While far too many blame “most” of the current devastation and destitution on the Chinese caused pandemic, the wise understand the greatest portion of the devastation and destitution is caused by immature overly controlling power hungry Democrat politicians who have immaturely misused science and mismanaged their over-reaching political positions. The opposite for example is Florida (Republican lead), not locked down, far less overall devastation and destitution. It has proven painfully obvious most Democrat politicians do not consider themselves guardians of the US Constitution, servants of the people, but rather act as immature self-righteous dictator tyrants who only refer to the US Constitution to obtain “points” when politically expedient to cover for their unfavorable non-transparent agenda.

    Congress is broken! Term limits will help prevent bribing and untold “kick-backs”! Congressional “bills” must be limited also and individually approved on single item merit, not a massive number of lessor items most of which would never pass on their own merit. Politicians must get on a “rice & beans tax diet” and finally begin looking at each taxpayer dollar as being sacred!

    When certain state politicians (think California and New York) perpetually devastate/mismanage their own states and big cities they must not be bailed out by the tax payers of other states. “Liberty (freedom) means the “politician and those who elected him/her” have the opportunity and burden of choice and must bear the consequences of their actions. Liberty and responsibility are inseparable.”

    I was raised in a Democrat family, grew into an independent with an ever increasing disgust for the Democrat’s lack of faith in and disdain for individual freedom and personal responsibility. Democrats are increasingly using fascist tactics (widespread cancel culture) to divide, falsely shame and blame masses of good citizens in defiance of the US Constitution in order to “change” (forcefully demoralize) America! (Tulsi Gabbard was an exception.) These fascist Democrats are incredibly immature, too narcissistically full of themselves to realize that a true sense of “community” comes from within the virtuous hearts, minds and souls of free individuals, not forced upon people. Demonstrating, encouraging and inspiring a full spectrum and depth of the virtues within the hearts, minds and souls of our children and each other naturally develops a true sense of “community”. Beware though, as Democrats use the word “community” as an excuse, a code-word for “neo-communism”, a forced government submission into socialist enslavement.

  • Lucille Evans says:

    I totally disagree with creating more debt. Nancy Peloski and many others n office r paid much 2 much 4 what they do. We the people have suffered more than enough pay cut. Peloski’s salary should be cut & term limits should b implemented immediately to get rid of the politicians who r gauging the American people and causing fundncisl hardship 2 we the people who
    give an honest day’s work 4 our pay.

    We also need 2 ensure that ALL of the funds go 2 the American people & nine of those n the White House.

    Funds should NOT be given 2 ANY foreign country & NOT one penny should b given 2 MURDER babies. The UNPARDONABLE SIN of MURDERING NEGRO babies MUST be STOPPED IMMEDIATELY!!!

  • Steve Gordon says:

    I believe in the last comment wholeheartedly, the people have to realize that where the money comes from, is not replaceable without something to back it up. Gold would be a really good example! I can’t believe that the Democrats think that there is no end to the money that they throw out for public consumption for public consumption. I would like to know, where they’re going to get 1.9 trillion dollars? It’s beyond me. God bless this great country and all that it used to stand for.!! That’s all.

  • renee reed says:

    We all need to find a job thats not in a small buliding or one thats doesnt have a lot of people in one room.We need to get back to work. IT will all make us feel good. Creat new safer jobs. lets get the world going safely back to life.Back to life.God is are answer.The kids need to stay out of school till we can make all the schools safer for everyone.Then we can get back to life.Safer jobs is the answer.GOD is the answer.Ask him for the answer.

  • klinjaz says:

    No way do we need more fake “free” giveaways. Down the road we’ll be paying for all the “free” things Biden wants to give away. We need a leader that will get everyone back to work, permit businesses to open 100% and not 25 or 50%. We also need leaders that will once again get all schools open and once again teach them the real school subjects and stop pushing children from K thru college lies about how great living in a socialist country is. If it was so great living in them those that have been able to escape would not have moved to free countries.

  • margaret says:

    in 2009 i got 382. wk unemploy. now when layed off sounds like because of covid those on unemploy bens will get 400. wk over and above reg unenemploy ben.
    assuming indiv would get 382. reg unemplos the 4oo. over reg ben amount gives approx 3,128. mo . if a person or family cant budget that and pay bills they need a financ[al gaurdian
    my understanding was the new 400. over and above the unemploy ben went down 200. a wk. in 2020 they got 600. which would have been closer to 3,928. 00 mo . these people must have been eating steak every night. now theyll eat ham.
    the point is very little incentive to look for work with that kind of wage. many people are terribly lucky to have 2000. mo to live on. some were getting x help with food from some states in a fare amount which it is understood will be in an amount of 15 percent over the reg food assistance amount so a single person getting 180, mo food assistance will now get 207. this is almost an insult. while many
    will lose the temp assistance amount they were getting. good luck to all and God we need you to bless America

  • Donald Larson says:

    What a Difference and Election makes. Trump proposed spending something similar; but, now his Supporters are unwilling and critical. It’s a Red-Blue, thingie!

  • Tara Blankenship says:

    Why isn’t this telling the American people that if you have at least $600 in your bank acct that the IRS will make sure your deposits line up with your taxes at the end of the year? That is over reach!!!

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