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GOP Governors Suspend The State Gas Tax As Congress Stalls



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As Congress’ efforts to relieve Americans from high gas prices stall, some states acted to suspend the local gas tax. Now, two states, Georgia and Maryland, temporarily suspended the gas tax. Will other states follow soon?

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Georgia, Maryland Suspend Gas Tax

Gas money is going up every week | Georgia, Maryland Suspend Gas Tax

Two states, Georgia and Maryland, acted on their own to suspend the gas tax. The two states remained unmindful of efforts made by Congress to come up with a bipartisan bill to address the problem of high gas prices. 

Both states decided not to wait for federal lawmakers to act. Instead, Governors Brian Kemp (GA) and Larry Hogan (MD) signed local bills lowering the price of fuel by suspending state gas surcharges.

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp Suspends State Gas Tax

Last Friday, Republican Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signed legislation suspending the state gas tax until May 31.

In a statement, the governor said they’re doing what they can to alleviate the problem of high fuel prices. “Though we can’t fix everything Washington has broken, we’re doing our part to lessen the impact on Georgians’ wallets.” 

The state General Assembly approved House Bill 304 unanimously. This removes the Georgia state gas tax of 29.1 cents per gallon for gasoline and 32.6 cents for diesel.

However, gas prices in the state will continue to collect federal surcharges. This amounts to 18.4 cents per gallon for gasoline and 24.4 cents for diesel.

Georgia lawmakers also provide state tax relief for jet fuel, liquefied petroleum gas, and compressed natural gas.

Maryland Governor Larry Hogan Issues Gas Tax Holiday

Earlier, Maryland’s Republican Governor Larry Hogan signed into law a gas tax holiday for the next thirty days. The holidays started last March 18 and will stay in effect until April 16. 

Maryland became the first state to enact a suspension on state gas surcharges. Hogan, who wanted a longer period, signed the law lifting the 36 cents per gallon tax. 

As a result, Maryland’s average gas prices decreased by more than 40 cents this week. Last Sunday, local gas prices averaged $3.86.

Even as Maryland will now enjoy small but certain relief, Hogan warns that things can change almost overnight. “This is, of course, not a cure-all, and market instability will continue to lead to fluctuations in prices, ” the governor said.

Other States To Follow Suit?

Meanwhile, other states are also trying to seek relief from high fuel prices. Tax holidays will free fill stations and distributors from ponying up the tax.

Freezing the gas tax also allows them to further reduce prices for motorists. Now, more than a dozen states are now looking to follow in the footsteps of Maryland and Georgia.

The National Conference of State Legislatures said at least 17 state Legislatures are looking into the matter. Most are proposing a reduction or suspension of fuel taxes. 

Not everybody is succeeding though. California Democrats thumbed down a State Legislature proposal to freeze its local fuel tax. As a result, lawmakers are now proposing a $400 gas tax rebate.

This will cover the cost of California’s fuel tax for a full year on average. At 51 cents per gallon, California has the highest state tax rates for fuel in the country.

Meanwhile, efforts of Congress to suspend the federal fuel tax are nowhere near any progress. Even as more governors called for a suspension of the federal fuel tax, lawmakers are still at a loss on how to proceed.

Watch the WUSA9 news video reporting that gas prices in Maryland go down:

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What do you think about efforts made by individual states to reduce gas prices? Will suspending the state gas tax help motorists? Or, will Americans need further federal assistance to further reduce gas prices?

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  • Phil says:

    Biden isn’t leading the way because he is afraid of the radical green movement in his party. Besides, he only knows how to react, follow or stand in the way.

  • Cabanaman says:

    That’s very true! Biden has never been a leader except now leading this country into destruction and into third world status! He’s always been a follower and still is. He followed his mentor Robert Byrd in racial division, except Robert Byrd apologized. Biden never has and continues to divide. He is the worst President ever, at least since I’ve been born. He brought on all these backward ideas and has the office to change them, but he doesn’t have the power because others are running the show.

  • Sam says:

    He’s no GOP, he’a about as Republican as Pelosi.

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