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As Energy Crisis Worsens, Green Energy Unable to Step Up



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Even as the world tries to shift to green energy, the demand for fossil fuels remains high. Now, with prices of oil and gas skyrocketing, it’s becoming obvious that renewable energy isn’t ready to take over. 

RELATED: Energy Crisis Worsens As Gas Prices Are Now $3.27 A Gallon

World Continues to Depend on Fossil Fuels, Not Green Energy

Clean green eco energy concept-Green Energy

The current global energy crisis is pushing oil and gas prices to record highs. As a result, many are beginning to realize that the world continues to depend on fossil fuels.

Unusual weather conditions and reopening economies are now causing energy shortages all over the world. In addition, a cartel controlling worldwide oil production remains hesitant in providing enough supply for all. As a result, oil, natural gas, and even coal prices are climbing up steadily.  

The present energy crisis is driving home a point. The threat of climate change is pushing countries to pivot from fossil fuels to green energy.

However, many industries and governments continue to remain resistant to the transition. This is despite the fact that many governments and investors are accelerating their renewable energy programs.  

Green Energy Is Not Ready, That’s Why Demand For Fossil Fuels Continue to Increase

Many energy executives estimate the transition to take years to achieve. They came upon a stark reality that is holding up the change. Fossil fuel investments are decreasing, but investments in green energy aren't filling up the gap.

As supply chains for power continue to strain against demand, demand for power is increasing. However, renewable energy resources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectricity are falling short of estimates. As a result, many companies are buying more fossil fuels to fill the demand. 

Meanwhile, the International Energy Agency projected that demand for fossil fuels will continue to accelerate. Projected oil demand will rise to nearly a hundred million barrels of oil a day next year.

This is near pre-pandemic levels. Meanwhile, demand for coal will exceed 2019 levels and will continue to rise until 2025. Until governments decide to phase out coal entirely, growth remains possible. 

No Balance In Supply and Demand

Exxon Mobil CEO Darren Woods spoke at a conference in Russia Wednesday. “A lot less product is available to meet this now rapid growth we’re seeing.

“If we don’t balance the demand equation and only address the supply, it will lead to additional volatility,” he said. While the world’s oil production is rising, it has yet to reach the levels of present demand. Presently, a surge of consumption is coming in from countries recovering from the pandemic.

However, global oil and gas exploration is about to ta out. They used to average around $100 billion between 2010 and 2015. Now, spending for fossil fuel exploration has dropped to around half at $50 billion per year.

Meanwhile, total global oil and gas investment for this year will go down about 26% from pre-pandemic levels to $356 billion.

Meanwhile, investments in green energy need to grow from $1.1 trillion a year to $3.4 trillion until 2030. This is the minimum needed by green energy to fulfill global energy demand. 

Green Energy Needs to Increase Their Investments

According to an IEA report, “The world isn’t investing enough to meet its future energy needs. Uncertainties over policies and demand trajectories create a strong risk of a volatile period ahead for energy markets”.

However, even ramping up green energy production will require using fossil fuels. Manufacturers will need to source raw materials from mining operations. 

Still, there remains a long road ahead for green energy to take over. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency, global green energy capacity totaled 1.5 million megawatts in 2020. This is far from the 55,000 megawatts generated in 2000. 

Watch the Bloomberg Markets and Finance video report: Solving the Global Energy Crisis:

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  • james R music says:

    these fools cant snap their fingers and have green energy happen,come to kentucky and watch what is going to take place, people will freeze to death this winter because these fools cant make green energy work.there is a place in hell for them. and it cant happen quick enough.

  • Jenkins says:

    Climate change is a sham dig deep and follow the money !!!

  • Wayne says:

    Can’t just shut down fossil fuels remember what happened in Texas when it turned cold wind mills stopped working and people died democracies want to put them up in California in the ocean how many birds and sea life will die you can do some things over time with the green energy but not everything what about other countries politicians talk about the green energy while they have two homes or more fly everywhere and drive large suv when politicians start doing what they say and stop thinking do as I say not as I do they might be trusted as of now I don’t trust this government at all if they focused on crime the borders shutting down the country corrupt biden and hunter deals with China as much as green energy and shots for COVID-19 those issues might have been resolved

  • Marv says:

    Before you shift to the 30% green effeciency there will need to be a storage solution. Currently there is no viable mass storage solution!

  • BBA says:

    All I can say about these Greenies that buy into this bullshit is YOU CANNOT FIX STUPID!!!

  • Statesman Patriot says:

    The goal is good but these envirowackos have no clue how to transition without severe disruption!!

  • David says:

    The green energy solution is only about the GREEN! Wake up people. They dump all of the fresh water into the ocean to try and save a dozen salmon that might be there but they want to put wond mills all through the ocean? How maby birds, etc will you kill. Governments are so stupid! The problem is they think we’re as stupid as they are.

  • Nate says:

    That’s because “Green Energy” is 40 years before it’s time! California suffers regularly with power outages because it’s green energy can NOT meet the demands of The People! Wake up and accept the facts! Green Energy won’t be perfected for quite some time, stop attempting to rush something that WE are incapable of supplying at this time! IDIOTS!!!!!!

  • Ted says:

    Cart’s in front of the horse. Transition isn’t/wasn’t planned. Just a great idea with no plan or preparation. Then comes all the wind farms. Only allowed to provide a tiny portion of what they’re capable of. Like everything else it’s politicized.BBA’s right. Can’t fix stupid, especially when it’s motivated by Greed.

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