Alternative Investments
How to Invest: Graphene Investing

Graphene Investing: The Real Benefits of Graphene
Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, both of the University of Manchester were credited with the discovery of graphene and as a result won the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics.
Graphene is 200 times stronger than steel and more robust than a diamond. You can see where the Graphene Investment Opportunities can be so relevant. As used here robustness refers to, “the ability of a structure to withstand events like fire, explosions, impact or consequences of human error, without being damaged to an extent disproportionate to the original cause.”
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Understand What Graphene Is: Before you Invest
Anyone familiar with the robustness of diamonds will be more impressed by this fact, than the “200 times stronger than steel” line that would impress the layperson more. This is worth keeping in mind as we read on.
Diamonds and Graphene
Though unproven, reasonable theoretical applications include the creation of synthetic plasma and various potential cancer treatment methods.
What you didn't know about Graphene Stock, is it's companies will likely put the power of up to 10,000 mainframes into the typical ‘tablet' or ‘smartphone' at some point in the near future.
Scientists also theorize that graphene could help clump together radioactive waste, making disposal remarkably safe, clean and efficient. During tragedies like the Fukushima meltdown, graphene could not only serve a valuable economic, but priceless social benefit.
Regulations on Graphene
This is an important factor to note because it could lead to a far lighter regulation note being placed on graphene-based products as they’re manufactured and put into mass production. It means better power, and better Eco-Friendly Products, Graphene Investment Opportunities really span a broad range of businesses.
Perhaps the biggest cause of excitement surrounding graphene is the active attempt by a slew of scientists to replace the silicon inside of semiconductor wafers with graphene. We can only imagine what this will do to the “Silicon Valley” moniker.
For this reason, some have taken to calling graphene “Moore’s Murderer.” The reference is to Moore’s Law, a historical observation of computer hardware claiming chip performance would double every 18 months. If graphene can do what most knowledgeable minds seem to think it can, chip performance could theoretically grow exponentially overnight, thereby making Moore’s Law as obsolete as blind faith in a flat planet.
Graphene is already a part of our daily lives. Graphite in pencils, batteries, brake linings, foundry facings, charcoal and lubricants…but it is also the basic structural element of other allotropes, including graphite, charcoal, carbon nanotubes and fullerenes.
The properties of graphene are so amazing that they have the potential to revolutionize multiple industries. Sensors, batteries, computing, touch screens, electronics, water filtration and salinization, organic solar cells, energy generation and storing, medicine and much more.
As the world’s thinnest material graphene is considered a two-dimensional object, while also being flexible and transparent. It also conducts electricity more efficiently than a semiconductor and is an exceptional heat conductor.
And though the temptation is to look towards technology and manufacturing, the medical devices, biotech and healthcare markets, are all venues where the carbon-based Graphene may have the most investment impact. As we all know, tech and bio stocks tend to do very well in strong performing markets, so just imagine how well such stocks could have performed in recent years with Graphene-backed products.
The standardization of Graphene as a medical/medicinal component, and its potential to enter the human body without damaging the immune system would give it a remarkably beneficial characteristic as a drug delivery mechanism. Graphene also has properties which can aid in bone-rebuilding processes and create the biological structures needed to create organs and tissues.
But here’s an example of what we are all most interested in, the investment value and the rarely-seen, always-profitable synergistic link between government and industry. Namely, the European Union recently awarded Nokia (NYSE: NOK) with a $1.35 billion grant to research the commercial applications of Graphene. Can anyone really imagine how much a company like Phizer or Johnson & Johnson may get from the US government to research healthcare applications of Graphene?
The point of the example is to illustrate that when a material has the ability to affect positive societal change and advancement, as well as being worthwhile for the investment set, a far greater likelihood of success will emerge.
Rarely does an investment opportunity come along that seems to have everyone’s support and very rarely does such an opportunity result in anything but profits to investors.
Graphene Investing has taken on so many industries, these should all be very positive signs. It truly is strange that more investors aren’t talking about Graphene, but at a time when information flows so freely and is so readily available, and you understand What it is capable of, you will see the rise in potential Graphene Stocks.
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buy physical graphene.