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A Cold Winter Is Coming: Natural Gas Prices Up By 180%



Woman With Warm Clothing Feeling The Cold Inside House-Natural Gas-SS-Featured

With natural gas prices surging more than 180%, Americans should brace for a cold winter. Many households might find home heating costs more expensive than ever.

RELATED: Democrats Want To Ban Natural Gas For Homes

Natural Gas Prices Highest Since 2015 

The price of natural gas, which supplies heat to most American homes, is now 180% more expensive over the past year. At $5.90 per million BTUs, this is natural gas’ highest price since February 2014.   

Families should look out for signs of an early winter or an incoming cold snap. A sudden drop in temperatures usually means higher heat consumption.

If this happens, expect the country’s already below-average natural gas stockpile can further go down. Lower stocks would also mean higher gas prices. Robert Yawner, energy futures director at Mizuho Securities, warned of a potentially expensive winter ahead.  “If we get an early frost, it could get ugly. It could get ugly fast,” he said.

Higher Natural Gas Prices Among Many Signs of Inflation

The continued rise in natural gas prices is further proof that the United States is currently mired in inflation. Many companies raised their prices on their products.

They pointed to higher wages, higher shipping costs, and more expensive prices of raw materials as the reasons for increasing prices. As a result, many American families are now dealing with surging prices on everything from new homes to takeout food to gasoline. 

In addition, the Federal Reserve is now seriously considering cutting down its efforts to prop up the economy. Many lawmakers are now questioning the need for President Joe Biden’s spending programs that require trillions of dollars. What’s more, the rising prices of oil and other fossil fuels due to lower supplies and higher prices are making investors jittery. 

Utility Companies Assure Households Of Stable Prices

About 50% of total US households use natural gas for heating their homes, according to the US Energy Information Administration.

Meanwhile, the American Gas Association, which boasts of members such as Con Edison, assured the public that prices will remain stable. Spokesperson Jaken Rubin said that “natural gas utility customers are not paying the day-to-day prices for natural gas that we see in the headlines.” 

Instead, AGA member companies buy gas in bulk through long-term contracts. This locks in prices and protects customers from spikes in prices. Rubin also assured customers that most utility companies will utilize both their winter stock with earlier purchases of natural gas. 

Supplies Of Natural Gas Remain Limited

The supply of natural gas is down as production outputs remain low. However, demand continues to rise as many US companies are now gearing to bring production levels back to pre-pandemic rates.

As a result, the law of supply and demand took over and pushed natural gas prices higher.  Heat waves that happened over the US during the summer also led to increased use of air conditioners across households. This drove up consumption significantly. 

In addition, natural gas producers endured many years of losing money. This made them extra cautious about increasing production despite higher demand. This is why storage levels in the continental US remain slightly below normal.

Watch the Bloomberg Markets and Finance video reporting that Natural Gas, Oil stay structurally higher

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Are you prepared for a cold winter within the next few months?  Do you think natural gas prices will even go higher in the coming weeks as the country approaches winter?

Tell us what you think about potentially rising utility costs such as natural gas. Share your comments in the comments section below.



  • Nate says:

    We once “exported” natural gas! Thanks Joe for ending Our energy independence!

  • Richard K Saunders says:

    This is all part of the democrat’s/communist plan. They want to turn the United States into a
    third world country.

  • Susan Olson says:

    Has anyone realized we have children running Washington DC. Wake up everyone it’s going to get worse. When you let this happen.

  • Pat Millen says:

    One of the first things FJB did was shut down the gas wells in West TX. We are pretty self sufficient without the Dems in charge! VOTE GOP!

  • george says:

    The democraps need to go pound sand. they do not have a clue

  • Paul says:

    Did any else notice that our electricity bill wen way up also?

  • John says:

    There is no need for gas prices to increase, what the real problem is is GREED,GREED,GREED. MONEY, MONEY, MONEY. AND there is no need for FOOD prices to cost more. Simply stated GREED.

  • William Moore says:

    Congress should pass a Bill that would open up oil and gas leases on federal and private land that President Biden closed down. Common Sense always “Wins” in the end.

  • J selmer says:

    it’s the Democruds way of moving us all to depending on th gov. for our livelyhood. In other words, becoming a socialist country, where we can give up a dream of owning a nice boat etc. but we all get a paddle. Up s..t creek now but Wow!a paddle.

  • BBA says:

    Let’s have a real honest look at this. Under Trump we had lower fuel/energy prices, a booming economy and an American work force that could not keep up with job openings. Under Biden he shut down our energy dependence, continues to pay people to sit on their lazy asses, threatens business massive fines if they do not force their employees to get an illegal unconstitutional jab, and on top of that they are flooding this country with illegal aliens who are instant government social services leeches! If you are still a Democrat and believe in what this Marxist-communist party is doing to this country and all of us you are an enemy of this country therefore an enemy of mine and millions like me!!

  • HJ says:

    I would like to know when everyone is going to stop talking and commenting and step outside and take action? Who has a plan? And how can I help? I’m terrified for my children! How do you teach them a path to success when this country is in disarray??? Do I teach them how to grow food or math? Seriously!!! How will they survive and thrive without the proper knowledge? I’m ready to get the megaphone and begin demanding we all must resist this evil for the sake of our children!!!

  • lionel william talley says:


  • Sam says:

    Everyone should immediately recall EVERY POLITICIAN. They’re all in on it together. Let’s see how many of them are connected to pharma, other countries. Connected to covid? Every American regardless of affiliation should want to know. If not, prepare for the end, it’s coming quicker than ever!

  • Steve W says:

    Long ago, the cure for political corruption was pretty straightforward- Tall tree (or lamppost) Short length of good hemp rope; a horse or mule for the accused to rest on until sentence carried out by whipping the poor horse/mule. After about a year, we would need to shift the festivities to a more infrequent schedule-say weekly for a while, then monthly….until businessmen who want to buy favors; and politicians willing to sell, become the exception again!

  • anthont Bryant says:

    I second Steve W above

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