Between Trump Fallout and Washington Drama, Guy Cohen and Real Traders Follow the Money

Turn on the news and all you'll hear is the drama surrounding Washington, Trump, Russia, blah, blah, blah. What will a real trader like Guy Cohen do?
How To Trade Like Guy Cohen
Unless something utterly extraordinary happens (and by definition that is low odds at this time) the markets will continue to do what they want to do. In fact, more often than not, you’ll think the market will do one thing because of some Washington drama only to see the markets do exactly the opposite!
That's the damage that being a news addict can do. So when it comes to trading, we ignore it.
Listen in as Guy Cohen tells you why he only follows where the smartest and bravest money is being deployed. If you do the same you'll find your trading will reach new heights, and you'll enjoy it too.
No stress, no drama. Just intelligently following where the seriously smart money is going.
In today's video Guy shows you how in just a couple of minutes you can find great opportunities even when you're only looking at a finite list of stocks.
Ford will cut off 10% of their workforce. Find out more here.
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