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Amazon Proves “Smart” Future After Acquiring Angel A.I.



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Google and Amazon continue to go head to head in many areas. They compete for online shoppers and user reviews. Amazon’s AWS cloud storage is another alternative to storing everything on GDrive. But the newest competitive arena looks to be the wave of the future based on recent moves by both sides.

Amazon Proves “Smart” Future After Acquiring Angel A.I.

Artificial Intelligence is everywhere.

Cars come equipped with sensors to brake automatically. Vehicles respond when you need to make a call, and can understand basic commands like temperature controls, radio stations, or even who you’re calling. They even beep incessantly until passengers put on seatbelts.

Artificial intelligence is used in bots. Microsoft, Facebook, and Google all have A.I. departments to develop chatbots.

Homes anticipate what people need before people are aware of those needs. Lights adjust to user behaviors automatically. Temperatures correct to user preferences throughout the day based on external stimulus. Google even acquired Nest Labs to focus on smart homes.

Now Amazon is joining the A.I. party.

Just one day after Google took over API.AI, a company focused on providing tools to developers to build conversational bots (think Siri), Amazon snatched up Angel A.I., another deep-intelligence focused company. While there has been no formal announcement, Amazon has brought on Angel.AI founder and CEO Navid Hadzaad on as “Head of New Bot Products”

Granted, Amazon has been working on smart tech with Amazon Echo for some time. And while the short term results of this acquisition may be minimal, this is a great long term play for Amazon. Amazon Echo is about to get a lot smarter. The company is already working to improve Alexa. Now, Amazon is backing those efforts up with a really smart bet on a smart company.

Angel.AI raised an $8 million Series A round in 2015, so there wasn’t a huge need to sell. Amazon must have some big ideas in mind for Angel.

With all the big boys making plays in the artificial intelligence this will be one of the biggest fields of the future.

Expect Amazon to stay neck and neck with Google when it comes to this future market.

There’s no need for artificial intelligence to tell you Amazon shares will continue to do what they always do, and rise.

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