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Repeal and Replace Obamacare Plan Not Looking Healthy



Keeping to his campaign promises, President Trump has pushed House Republicans to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. However, Trump also urged Republicans to let Democrats handle the replacement of the program, noting that it’s an incredibly complicated piece of legislation. Now, Republicans have at long last provided a plan to do away with Obamacare. But that plan is already coming under fire from both sides of the aisle. What are the chances that it passes?

What Do We Know About the New Plan That Will Replace Obamacare?

For all the criticism Obamacare faces from those who find it too complicated, or chafe at being forced to pay for insurance even if they don’t want it, the plan provided health insurance coverage for 20 million Americans who otherwise would not have been able to have insurance. The new bill is already facing heated pushback from Democrats and Republicans alike. Surprisingly, many Republicans are opposing the plan on the grounds that it does not go far enough in gutting the ACA.

The new plan would offer individuals refundable tax credits to purchase health insurance and would not make insurance mandatory. The bill, called The American Health Care Act, would provide coverage to those with preexisting conditions, but allow insurance companies to ramp up fees and costs on slipped coverage, meaning that insurance companies could price out policyholders with higher premiums.

The AHCA would also alter Medicaid, giving each state a fixed amount each year from the government, which could potentially leave millions of seniors and people relying on Medicaid without coverage. In addition, the plan would also strip Planned Parenthood of funding for one year

According to House Speaker Paul Ryan, “The American Health Care Act is a plan to drive down costs, encourage competition, and give every American access to quality, affordable health insurance. It protects young adults, patients with pre-existing conditions, and provides a stable transition so that no one has the rug pulled out from under them,”

But will The American Health Care Act pass?

Watch the news from Wall Street Journal regarding the replacement of Obamacare:

Currently, Vice President Mike Pence is meeting with lawmakers to drum up support for the AHCA. But the truth is, it’s currently facing heavy opposition from both sides. In reality, the Republicans’ long-awaited repeal and replace may have to wait a while longer, as the American Health Care Act looks to be shut down before it can even get going.

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Featured image via PBS

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