OSHA Suspends Biden’s Large Employer Vaccine Mandate
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) will suspend the implementation of an employer vaccine mandate immediately. For now, it will not enforce an executive order issued by President Joe Biden that mandates COVID vaccinations for companies with 100 or more workers.
RELATED: Vaccine Mandate Exemptions Pushed For Workers Who Recovered From COVID
OSHA To Suspend Enforcement Of Employer Vaccine Mandate
In a statement posted on their website, OSHA said that the judiciary has spoken. The agency will “take no steps to implement or enforce” the Testing Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) until further advice.
While the agency said it will abide by the court’s suspension order, it “remains confident in its authority to protect workers.”
Earlier, the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit upheld a stay on Biden’s employer vaccine mandate. Originally, OSHA gave notice to employers with more than 100 employees about the employer vaccine mandate.
Companies have until January 4 to comply with the mandate. Those who fail to do so face thousands of dollars in hefty fines for every day of non-compliance.
Justice Department Said It Will Defend OSHA Guidelines
Meanwhile, the Department of Labor issued a statement in response to the court’s suspension order. It said that the department will vigorously defend the OSHA rules on the employer vaccine mandate.
Meanwhile, a Department of Labor official maintained that OSHA will remain on the sidelines for now. “OSHA is complying with the 5th Circuit’s stay.
OSHA is not enforcing or implementing the reg – so they are not engaging or offering compliance assistance,” he said.
Prior to the suspension, OSHA planned to assist employers in coming up with vaccine and testing standards. Fines for non-complying companies can total as much as $14,000 per violation.
OSHA can cite individual businesses with multiple citations if necessary. In addition, the White House already moved the deadline for the employer vaccine deadline. From the original December 8 deadline, Biden gave employers until January 4.
Republican Lawmakers Push Back Against Employer Vaccine Mandate
Meanwhile, several Republican lawmakers from the House and the Senate are pushing back against the White House vaccine efforts.
Joined by GOP governors and state officials, the group is moving to get the courts to strike down Biden’s vaccine mandate orders. In fact, a large group of GOP state attorneys general filed suit against another vaccine mandate involving federal contractors.
Senator Mike Braun (R-IN) will lead the entire Republican senator contingent to disallow the employer vaccine mandate. “President Biden’s vaccine mandate is an unconstitutional invasion,” he said.
Vaccines “should be a personal medical decision for every American and an affront to the rights of 80 million American workers,” he added.
“Today, my Republican colleagues and I will formally challenge this federal overreach, Braun said. He then called for other lawmakers to vote in striking down the mandate. “I urge the Senate to vote in favor of this disapproval resolution when it comes to the Floor.”
Watch the FOX59 News video reporting that OSHA suspends enforcement of large employer ‘vaccine mandate’:
Do you agree with efforts to strike down vaccine mandates ordered by the federal government? Why do you want the mandates struck down?
Let us know what you think. Share your comments in the comments section below.
Vaccines should optional and constitutional rights of citizens should be respected in medical and religious exemptions.
It should one’s own choice!!
I’m a former Marine just as my father was as well as my son also. This administration has single handily set in motion the wheels of destruction for our great nation. They’ve put all of their conspirators in all the right places in order to push their agendas into reality. It’s time to wake up that sleeping giant just as Japan did and let the ear dogs eat!!!!!
I agree Lance Wayne Newman that we need to wake the hell up and go after these communist but the really pathetic part is that there are not enough of us left in this country that will actually take up the fight. Too many of my tough talking conservative friends would opt to stay home with the women & kids in the reality of a civil war and the corrupt government knows this. The stay at home, mask & vaccine “mandates” are just a little test to see what the opposition looks like and they now know we are weak as a society and they can implement their socialist agenda on the sheep without much of a fight!
Civil war? Traitors i see. Do you know what our forefathers thought of traitors? someone else is ruining America? A real marine would remember he swore to the constitution not to a political party and would recognize traitorous talk when he heard it and squash this mind set…the pendulum swings back and forth for Christ sake more than half of the country thought trump was/is a idiot joke…do your constitutional duty and meet in town halls and move the pendulum back your way don’t be so ignorant as to call for civil war the side that tried last time lost horribly and would again
Vaccines should be an individual choice. Government has no right to push this on the American people. Biden once again in infringing on our constitutional rights.
Never, ever should vaccines be made mandatory or forced. It should ALWAYS be a personal choice. There are many, many graves of our forefathers who fought for the rights we are loosing now!
This Fraudulent, so called President & his Socialist, Communist Cronies are doing their best to destroy our Country!
They use Covid Virus as a Weapon against the American People for CONTROL of OUR COUNTRY.
I have been vaccinated was my choice but I don’t believe in mandatory vaccination should be people’s choice not government If the people that are complaining have been vaccinated and protected according to fauch why are they worried about other people these people never complain about illegals crossing the borders that have Covid and are not vaccinated never complained about people getting the flu shot AMERICANS better open their eyes biden and the democrats are trying to take over our country and have open borders and make us a socialist country If this happens AMERICA will be gone and our kids grandkids will grow up in a very violent place just look at the violence happening now
They can’t suspend it because they can’t enforce it. It’s illegal, and OSHA doesn’t oversee viruses. What a joke this admin is. Not even onenyear in and he’s murdered more people than any other president in history. Not to mention destroying the southern border, inflation, screwing up everything he can. It’s probably obummer yhough. Democrats hate America but he really hates America and Americans. That’s why he authroized physical, up to lethal force against Americans by the UN, and now they’re here in Nevada. That’s what happens when lunatic, psychopaths controls the power.
China Joe had seemed to do in ten months that took Jimmy Carter to do in 4 years! What a FREAKING mess! Demand a Cognitive test for this guy distroying this great nation….!!!!
Biden and his communist regime,should be eradicated as traitor’s to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
I agree with all of the above. I took my shots, but if somebody doesn’t want to take them, then that’s ok by me. It’s their, life they are playing around with and it’s their body,their choice.
Idiots you have already been forced to get vaccines a long time ago when you went to school they make it a requirement to attend but make it illegal to not go effectively making vaccines mandated and have been for decades you just don’t understand what right you think your losing and it’s actually sad how stupid this whole thing is grow the fuck up your rights end where mine begin and I don’t want your Covid so guess what your gonna get mandated idiots
Brandon. Maybe you should crawl back into mommas vagina where youll be all safe from this bad world… and as for civil war… i agree nothings civil about a war… but i think you should realize americans are waking up and you are by far outnumbered…. your sweet dipshit in charge has an approval rating at 36%. That mathematically makes you the minority…. if you like bidens sack bangin into yours so be it…. go back to your basement with the pedophile and keep your bs there ….
If you got the vaccine but are still demanding others get it, you are pretty uneducated and essentially saying the vaccine doesnt work. If you believe it works as claimed but youre still afraid of Covid then obviously you have a mental deficiency. The vaccine is a choice and always will be. Ive never gotten a flu shot and I dont hear anyone panicking about that. Why?
Brant your idiot
Facts are no one likes Biden but somehow America decided that he was the LESSER of two evils…I prefer you moms vagina it might be stretched out but I fit in just fine…. And the basement shit is ignorant I got a family I feed and work two jobs for unlike the average republican who sits at home collecting welfare me and mine work for a living you should try it…the person who needs to wake up is you red states can’t win a war hell they are too scared to start one that’s why you guys gotta take a gun to the grocery store because your a bunch of chicken shit pussys stop being so scared of your own shadow and you’ll realize your the one who’s starting a problem pushed by a populist and you can’t even see you are a nazi it’s sad actually
Branden wah wah wah. Hey little girl, peoples rights never end. Besides this isn’t a vaccine. Your ignorance is showing. This is a very dirty, experiemental biologic causing more death than the virus at this point. But, i’m glad you took it. A lot of liberals on their way out. And wait til they get you with smallpox, that’s the next one. And at your age, you werent vaxxed. Bye bye
Hey Branden apparently you haven’t been educating yourself even though you got your little shot or 2 you can still get Covid! I know some ppl that got the shot and got Covid again. Also studies have shown ppl with the vaccine are getting Covid again and have no immunity vs non vaccinated! Duke University had 235 case all from vaccinated and only 7 from non vaccinated. Some cities per million which a doctor showed had a 15% increase in cases from vaccinated that’s 150,000 ppl!! My neighbors have 8 ppl in the house only 1 tested positive only 1 got sick all still didn’t get vaccinated and are fine! My son and I are not either and choose not to and been around it possibly at least 6 times and have been fine as well. I know nurses that are not either and have been around it all year everyday either they got it once or not at all and never again and have been fine. Plus a lot of ppl have died from this shot. My mom and stepdad both got the shot at the same time and both now have high blood pressure and my moms eye sight all of a sudden is deteriorating. So it should be a choice. Also a Biotech engineer came out and said how the stuff is attacking peoples DNA as well as other complications.