Anheuser-Busch To Give Free Beer Once US Vax Rate Hits 70%

The makers of Budweiser said that once the United States reaches its target 70% vaccination rate, it will “buy America’s next round.”
RELATED: 5 Million Americans Missed Second Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine
Free Beer: America’s Next Round
The offer isn’t just for beer. Once the country hits the 70% vaccination target by July 4, it will give away a free round of beer, seltzer, or nonalcoholic beverage from a selection of 100 products.
As of today, 63% of eligible Americans received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose. Michael Doukeris, CEO of Anheuser-Busch, talked about the program.
AB will give a $5 virtual credit card that can purchase AB beverages once the country hits its vaccination goal.
To join, Americans must upload a photo of themselves at their favorite place to drink at the website The first 200,000 people to submit entries will receive the virtual $5 card.
The “Let’s Grab a Beer” initiative is the company’s biggest giveaway in history. Its main objective is to incentivize Americans as a whole to get a vaccine.
As an effort to incentivize more Americans to get vaccinated. The company will start distributing the free beer cards once the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention certify that the 70% target was hit.
Safe And Strong Recovery Deserves A Round
“At Anheuser-Busch, we are committed to supporting the safe and strong recovery of our nation and being able to be together again at the places and with the people we have missed so much.
This commitment includes encouraging Americans to get vaccinated, and we are excited to buy Americans 21+ a round of beer when we reach the White House goal,” Doukeris said.
“We pride ourselves on stepping up both in times of need and in times of great celebration, and the past year has been no different.
As we look ahead to brighter days with renewed optimism, we are proud to work alongside the White House to make a meaningful impact for our country, our communities, and our consumers,” he added.
Reaching The Goal Won’t Be Easy
Despite the 63% completion rate, reaching the 70% goal will take some effort. The vaccine program slowed down considerably as many of the adult Americans who want the vaccine already got them.
In fact, vaccinating 12 to 15-year-olds reported the biggest gains made. Unfortunately, this age group isn’t eligible to receive a free beer.
However, there are reports that say groups with the highest rates of vaccine hesitancy are starting to warm up to get a shot. This includes Latinos and Americans without college degrees.
The parent company of Budweiser is joining a number of companies that are helping push the vaccination drive.
Doughnut maker Krispy Kreme already served more than 1.5 million free doughnuts to vaccinated Americans.
Meanwhile, McDonald's announced a month ago that it will use its coffee cups to promote vaccination information. Kroger also joined the vaccine drive hype, offering vaccinated Americans a chance to win $1 million worth of groceries for a year.
States Also Coming Up WIth Ideas
Meanwhile, some states are also coming up with ideas to encourage their residents to take a shot. West Virginia Governor Jim Justice of West Virginia said on Tuesday that the state will give away prizes to vaccinated residents.
This includes guns, lifetime hunting, and fishing licenses, and trucks. In addition, states such as California, New Mexico, and Ohio will give away prizes via raffle. Only vaccinated citizens can join the state-wide draw.
Watch the MSNBC video reporting that Anheuser-Busch will buy a round when the US vaccine goal is reached:

Do you agree with companies and states doing promotions to encourage Americans to vaccinate? Or, do you find these gimmicky?
Let us know what you think about vaccine rewards. Share your thoughts below.
You can have my shot!!!
I quit drinking Busch products when they sold out to Inbev. This certainly isn’t going to bring me back
If the vaccine was truly safe then why won’t the very people pushing it or manufacturing it won’t take it. Anyone trying to over sell a product not needed in the first place is really part of the problem. You should all read the just released Emails.
Vaccine has not been tested anywhere near long enough. I don’t know what the government’s up to, if they’re trying to thin the herd? But I am not a guinea pig I won’t be tested with their half ass shots. Maybe in 5 years down the road after it’s been tested that long I might possibly think about it then. Let them test it out on the Democratic government officials. There’s no way this shot can be 100% safe, all the longer they tested it, they need to get real.
Just more devilcrap measures of trying to achieve total control! They will not be satisfied until they prove that we’re SUBJECTS instead of individuals. Wake up people, this country is now the “United SOCIALIST states of america” and every frickin’ devilcrat will not be happy until they have DESTROYED THE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS WE HAVE. Fu*I them and “lock and load” because after they disarm us, we will have no choice of anything other than what they allow. They are stalin, hitler and every other tyrant all wrapped up into one party. WAKE THE HELL UP AMERICA FOR THE NEXT REVOLUTION WILL BE A BLOODBATH.
First of all I do not have to have a vaccine to go without a mask. The idiocy of the government, it’s not a law, and it won’t be. It’s funny how they shut down the country for this supposed covid-19, but there so much worse other diseases the country was not shut down for! If everybody can’t see this was all political thing to screw the United States something wrong with you. And the Democrats have done a great job of it so far haven’t they? As soon as they took over. The United States started going downhill. President Trump was doing a great job he had things gone great, then the dumbass Democrats took over and it starts spiraling out of control, look at the price of gas already, idiocy, Democrats!!! Something needs to be done with them they need to be gone. I say ship of Democrats to another island someplace country whatever and they can have every single shot there is just stabbed into them who cares.
There’s a saying somewhere, you can fool some of the people etc etc.
I don’t drink Budweiser anyway. It’s an over-priced second rate beer.
When will Americans open their eyes and see the truth? This is yet another ploy.
For AB your beer is shit your sales have dropped so you are using this for your benevit. Giving awsy tsinted old stored beer and you get money and a tax write off.
Americans stop being misled open your eyes tge vacine does nothing other than take your rights away.
Too bad that you don’t also post , ‘ beer 🍺 should not be an incentive to getting vaccinated’.
I cannot believe that there are so many foolish, selfish people willing to brag about it. How many people have to die before you take this seriously? It’s a shame that people need incentives to do the right thing. I hope that you don’t end up getting sick and passing it to your poor children, although thinning your gene pool might not be so bad. If you want to die, do it alone, don’t take others with you! I don’t drink but I do thank Bud and all other companies for trying to help keep America alive and well.
If you have a good product people actually want and trust it sells itself. The worst people on the planet (politicians, BigPharma, Tech, and the MSM) all emphatically want you to get the shot. Why would I do anything those psychopathic liars want me to do? The same people who created the virus, who lied and covered-up the origin, who stripped Americans of their rights for over a year, who systematically destroyed small independent businesses, who are ignoring the VARS data, and who are in favor of medical apartheid, what me to take an experimental drug (that half the employees at the CDC, HIA won’t take), so that Americans can all get some crappy piss-beer. Um….No! Go F yourself with your gov poison.
Screw Biden and the democratic party….they have lost their minds and want to control the American public!!!@
I will not comply…..Free America from democrats!!!!
Hey dumb ass anonymous. Take your far left wing democrat ass back to hell and quit trying to drag everyone else with you. You fucks are screaming equality and freedoms unless someone disagrees with you and then you want to censor them and call them all kinds of names. You idiots don’t know what equality is. Good thing you have word spell on your computer or you would the spelling of it wrong also.
People I will never meet 100 years from now if there is still the United States Of American will be saddled with this and all other future spending. It has got to stop.
If you need to bribe the American people to accept the vaccine you know there is something wrong with it.
I find these incentives cheap tricks to influence shallow minded people to get vaccinated. That is a personal choice not a carnival cheap toy,
As far as mandatory vaccination for employment, if it was not a stipulation when you were hired it should not be mandated after hire, if you put that in as a stipulation for employment now then the new hires need to be vaccinated prior to employment. But you can’t change the rule after you have started work,even if you are just returning to work from layoff.
Another corp helping murder people off. If it was so safe why all the manipulation and incentives to bribe people?! And with each day we learn more and more about the cover up of Fauci, the evil scientist, guilt of suckng off XiX with Joe. I get it, you’re ok with risking my ok wth you risking yours. The CEO of that shit brand can have my shot.
Fauci deserves to be hung on live tv, right beside XiXi. And im sure they’re not the only ones in on it. Im not a conspiracy theorist but now im thinking it was on purpose just to create a deadly “vaccine to kill more people. This is one of the biggest crime gains humanity.
And paying that loser, the guy that helped fund it, create it and cover up for China is like paying Hitler to preside over the Nuremberg trials.
I dont drink and I got vaccinated before all these incentives came out. Where’s my prize for just manning-up and getting it done?
Ah yes!! Offer free beer to all who get an untested and unproven drug because that sounds so serious?!? I liked Budweiser better when they were just a beer company. Too bad so many American named companies have caved to the socialist wokeness but it is not surprising. Our College institutes have really bred their socialism into a lot of CEO’s, Judges and politicians to the effect that they cannot see what is right in front of them.
Like your response “Better Business Analyst ?”
What bothers me anytime there is an incentive to accomplish a goal/ project, is likely someone trying to beat the system that results not only added costs for a party, but diminishes the saftey or personal health in some form or fashion, i.e.,( Construction companies based or predicted time frames to build a bridge to get contracted, offering a million dollars a week week to some lucky patron that had their name pulled.)
What’s wrong with the last ?
Think about it ? This society, especially administration in New York, I wouldn’t trust to get my dog back from a half a mile walk! Everyone’s incapable of managing. People may go get 10 to 20 Covid shots to up their chances. Who’s going to submit their card after the first vaccination ? Can you guess whether some of those folks might sue the company’s and the State because there guilty of being moronic ! Gee, do you think there could very likely be more deaths if getting weekly ?
This thing with Budweiser, is more tame than the two mentioned, and a payoff for any Beer company that is outfitted to do it ! But it still promotes and increases drinking.
I buy a box of bush a day (30pack) have done this since my 20s I’ll be 61 the 15 it’s a shame I’ll have to try an infereer beer !!! Keep beer with the beer and out of politics so long gonna miss ya
I can’t believe that Anheuser would stoop to this low and trying to make people sheep. These vaccines are killing people and the whole plan is to depopulate the world. Shame on you!!!! Stay strong non vaxxers and save your lives.
OMG what else will they try to push this?? DO Americans see there is something wrong here and now corporations pushing so many drinkers already. There is something wrong here….stop the push and leave us alone!!!! Freedom and choice MATTERS!!! Not discrimination with masks either…it doesn’t matter. I will remember ALL of this come next elections.
Why not a shot for a shot instead of a beer?
Checking in again for legitimate reasoning, I would advise boycotting Anhaueser Busch with feeding this “promoting alcohol drinking mechanism” as they are owned or highly affiliated by Wuhan China.
Why are they pushing it. Now they want kids 5 and older to get this injection. WHY?? No way no one really knows enough. You can’t trust that little trope !! It’s not worth the risk .
To A~B
No one wants your devil juice in either form we stopped drinking all of that and we are not getting something that will kill you within 2-3 years. God says that if you get the mark of the beast that you lose your place in heaven, you only are to fear him and his wrath. I have lived this since all the Planned Pandemic started. FAITH OVER FEAR! I can’t believe so many people will put their lives on the line for the Devil , People don’t you know he lies to you!just like ‘Ol Pedo uncle Joe. Wake up people! This show has been going on for far too long..
Besides you probably put flavor enhancers in it like the children that were abused or trafficked like McDolalds. Special place in Hell for people like you.