Pfizer and BioNTech’s Covid-19 Vaccine Is 90% Effective

The world celebrated as Pfizer and BioNTech’s vaccine reported a 90% effectivity rate. In early analysis reports, the vaccine showed it can shield people from Covid-19 90% or more of the time. The result is better than expected. The vaccine represents the latest, best hope to overcome the dreaded coronavirus.
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The good news, while incomplete, is a step in the right direction to get FDA approval for sale. But given the urgency of the situation, Pfizer said it will apply for emergency approval. If this gets an OK from the feds, we may see the distribution of an approved coronavirus vaccine within the year.
Most Significant Advance in the last 100 Years
Pfizer Chairman and CEO Dr. Albert Bourla appeared on CNBC's Squawk Box on Monday. He said “I think we can see light at the end of the tunnel. I believe this is likely the most significant medical advance in the last 100 years if you count the impact this will have in public health, global economy.”
A 90% effectiveness rate is great considering the vaccine's timetable. Given the rush, conservative estimates hoped for a 75% effective rate. Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases expected even less. He said that a 50- 60% success rate is acceptable. Instead, he learned its way above 90%. “The results are really quite good, I mean extraordinary,” he said.
Markets Rejoice
Pfizer shares rose by 7.69% as markets closed yesterday, with premarket shares rising an added 4.08%. BioNTech closed 13.91% by the end of trading yesterday and is rising 8.19% in the premarket. The news fueled a global rally that added more than $1.8 trillion in value to MSCI All Country World Index stocks.
US stock markets celebrated a potential end to the coronavirus. Shares went up for cruises, airlines, real estate investment trusts (REITs), and casinos. Shares of Carnival, Royal Caribbean, and Norwegian Cruise Lines went up by 30% on Monday.
Two-Shot Dose
During the trials, Pfizer and BIoNTech’s vaccine used two doses. Participants received the first dose in July and achieved protection after 28 days. How long the protection lasts is still up in the air. Most received the second dose recently, the final vaccine efficacy percentage may vary. Also, how long the protection lasts is still up in the air.
The vaccine uses messenger RNA (mRNA) technology. This technology has yet to get approval in any medical application. mRNA ”instructs” cells to make proteins and send them to various body parts. It takes advantage of normal biological processes to do so. Also, mRNA technology develops faster than traditional vaccine methods.
Vaccine for 50 million Americans
The US inked a deal for 100 million doses worth $2 billion of Pfizer and BioNTech’s vaccine. The government also has an option to buy 500 million more. This ensures that the country can get a priority supply for at least 50 million Americans.
The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine did not receive funding from Operation Warp Speed. The federal OWS funded vaccine programs dedicated to producing a working product. But, BioNTech did receive $445 million in funding from the German government.
By mid-October, Bourla said they will seek emergency use authorization by November. This assumes the trial results proved the vaccine is safe and effective.
Safety Trials
Kathrin Jansen, Pfizer’s head of vaccine research and development, is optimistic. “Hopefully now we can move on and get this vaccine out there and make sure it’s doing what it’s supposed to do and stop” the virus,” she said.
The latest report does not include a safety assessment of the vaccine. FDA guidelines need two months of monitoring of at least 50% of subjects. Safety monitors contraindications, reactions, and side effects. Pfizer said it will have its two months of safety data completed by the third week of November. If things go well, an emergency authorization request will follow.
A vaccine is sought after as the coronavirus continues to wreak havoc on the world. Total confirmed coronavirus cases on Monday surpassed 50 million globally. The US remains among the hardest hit with over 10 million cases and over 200,000 deaths.
Watch this as CNBC TV reports on the announcement of Pfizer and BioNTech that their Covid-19 vaccine candidate is 90% effective:

With Pfizer and BioNTech’s Covid-19 Vaccine declared 90% effective, do you think a working vaccine will be available within the year? If one is offered to you, will you take it? Why or why not? Let us know what you think by sharing your thoughts below.
tetired USAF
Explain to me why a vaccine is needed for a 99.99% survival rate?
Also, 90% vaccine effectiveness…so if you take the vaccine, are you more likely to die?
I don’t feel that 90% effective is a win-win. I’m in good health, eat & live sensibly. I believe if I should get the virus I’m very certain I will survive; if not I’ll die.
So 90% effective against a virus with a 99.97% survival rate.
That will up the odds of survival to 99.973%.
I think the vaccine would be best applied to only the most vulnerable in our population.
I think we would all be better off if the media would just go away.
I have reactions to several injectibles right now, so I will need to let the new vaccine build up a little history over a wide range of situations to avoid the possibility of unexpected reactions as much as practical.
The main reason to get the vaccine is to protect those who are vulnerable. It isn’t just for your safety. You can have the virus without being aware, therefor unknowingly transmit it to your 75 year old parent or grandparent or your friend who is battling cancer.
I would absolutely get the vaccine. I’m 68, have had a heart attack, a stroke and asthma my entire life. My concern is our Governor Coumo wants to hold it off until Biden is in office. Governor Coumo needs to get past his arrogance and allow his citizens to make their own choices. How do I get the vaccine if this fool controls it?
First after all the lying from the media .Theres not a chance I will take this vaccine because it turns out nobody can be trusted
I want a long term study. Changing my DNA? Nope, no thank you…I want to see what happens in 5 or 10 years to those who take it. But, even then, who can you trust to tell the truth? Certainly not the media, medical establishment not much more trusted, either.
Don’t take the vaccine. It might be the Mark of the Beast or a precursor to it, especially if Bill Gates has anything to do with it. He allegedly has something called quantum dot tattoo with digital ID and tracking, you know, so they can know who has it and who doesn’t. Governments want to give forced vaccines and you want be able to buy and sell if you don’t comply. Sound familiar? It allegedly also changes your DNA so you’re no longer fully human. IF you take the actual mark your soul is doomed for all eternity! It’s in the book of Revelation.
I will never trust Big-Pharma with a vaccine, they never have good intentions towards the public, greedy bastards with their only interest being profits and their shareholders.
you’re all a bunch of goddamn idiots! its people like you who make people abroad think that we’re all a bunch of old white redneck out of touch retards! you need to die and make room for a younger generation, you are the cancer of the past!