What is The 4 Percent Rule and How Can It Help You Save For Retirement?

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What is The 4 Percent Rule and How Can It Help You Save For Retirement?
The 4% rule states that you should be able to comfortably live off of 4% of your money in investments in your first year of retirement but, recently, some financial planners have re-evaluated that assumption.
Today's Stocks & Topics: SOFI – SoFi Technologies Inc., Holiday Sales, Russia, Inflation, KHC – Kraft Heinz Co., GOOG – Alphabet Inc., Covered Calls, Dividend and Stock Price, MA – Mastercard Inc., GS – Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Dividends, NUE – Nucor Corp. or VALE – Vale S.A. ADR, APTV – Aptiv PLC.
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