Donald Trump’s Dream for America: Would it Become an Economic Nightmare or Paradise?
No one can say that Donald Trump is not vocal about his vision for America. Not only is he outspoken in public appearances, his website——contains multiple articles under the “positions” tab which reflect his unique worldview.
If, however, Trump were allowed to live out his vision, what would the real-world results be?
Trump’s Self-Professed Views on Immigration (Displayed Prominently on His Website)
- Immigration laws should protect workers.
- The current policy protects wealthy businessmen over the average American.
- Mexican immigrants bring crime into the country and steal jobs from honest Americans.
- Substantial sums of money have been stolen by illegal aliens through public programs. (Trump suggests that footing the bill for the wall separating the U.S. and Mexico would be an appropriate repayment of these misappropriated funds).
What Trump Thinks His Immigration Policy Will Do
Trump supports policies which are aimed at deporting illegal aliens and requiring businesses to hire Americans first. He says that his aim is to put much-needed jobs back in the hands of poor and struggling U.S. citizens.
What His Policies Will Actually Do
For better or for worse, certain industries rely heavily on immigrant labor. Agriculture, in particular, would suffer, and food prices could skyrocket without immigrant labor. Mr. Trump, I'm sure can negotiate with other countries on his immigration policy, and he certainly has the best in mind for Americans. This was evident when we stated “Mexico is killing us” and we're losing in the labor market. His goal is to employ more Americans by removing illegals from the country that are stealing American job opportunities, but the way he goes about doing that is a fine line.
Even if Donald Compromises, just enforcing immigration law as it stands would be prohibitively costly. The American Action Forum estimates federal government costs of up to $600 billion to implement the law, accompanied by 11 million lost workers and a reduction of $1.6 trillion to the real GDP. They also estimate the time frame involved to be 20 years.
Trump plans on building a wall between the US and Mexican border. The costs to implement this are extreme. As a contrast, the Berlin wall cost $25 million dollars or $200 million in today's money. It was only 96 miles long.
The wall Trump wants to build is 2000 miles long. This sets the cost right around 2.4 Billion dollars.
If he doesn't want the American tax payer to fund this, he will need to put on his negotiating boots after former Mexican President Vicente Fox stated “I'm not paying for the f*&^ing wall!”
Clearly, immigration policy is not a simple task Mr. Trump has to take on.
Hillary Clinton: Her Plans For The Economy, And How Her Opponents Are Responding –>
— The Capitalist (@Capitalist_Site) May 18, 2016
Speaking of Foreign Policy, Donald Trump Feels that China Has Been Walking All Over America
Donald Trump makes it no secret that he knows that China manipulates its currency. He also worries that China will use America’s debt to blackmail her. He feels that it is time that China be forced to renegotiate its trade with America.
What Trump Thinks His Policies in Reaction to China Will Do
- Bring jobs back onshore by lowering the American corporate interest rate to 15%–which is lower than China’s current rate—and imposing a 45% tariff on Chinese imports.
- Eliminate the possibility of blackmail by reducing America’s debt and the deficit.
- Bring China to heel by making a show of deploying armed forces in Asia.
What Trump’s Policies Will Actually Do
Those tariffs are likely to be passed straight on to the American consumer. Furthermore, an analysis done by Moody’s Analytics for the Washington Post suggests that China would not be the only one to suffer. Their economy would be wounded, but so would the United States’ economy.
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Donald’s Position on Taxes
Mr. Trump believes that as far as taxes go, less is more. His plan involves no taxes at all below a certain cut-off: $25,000 yearly-income singly or $50,000 yearly-income jointly. It would also cap corporate taxes at 15% of the business’s income.
What Trump Believes His Policy Will Do
He believes that it would seriously grow the economy, and for once the man may be right. The Tax Foundation predicts that the tax cuts would lead to 29% growth in capital stock, 5.3 million jobs, 6.5% higher wages and an 11% higher GDP.
Donald Trump on Healthcare:
On his website, Donald Trump’s very first healthcare item is NO MORE OBAMACARE. He also feels that citizens should be able to purchase healthcare across state lines. His reasoning is that it will lead to better market competition between plans and companies.
Along the same lines, he wishes to make it legal to buy medication from overseas.
What Trump Believes His Plan Will Do
Increase competition between providers—possibly lowering rates and providing better service in the process.
What His Plan Will Actually Do
The 11.3 million people that HHS said were signed up for Obamacare as of January 2016 will lose their coverage. Then they will be able to seek competitive rates in the free market.
The Return of the American Dream—or a Nightmare Waiting to Happen?
It cannot be argued that Donald Trump is a highly colorful individual. His speech is blunt, and he regularly airs sentiments that shock and appall both the rest of the world and a significant portion of Americans. However, there's a large portion of Americans that can relate to this and his position in the polls against Hillary right now are competitive.
Nevertheless, his bid for the presidency has become a very real thing. The time is coming soon when U.S. citizens will have to decide what kind of future they want—and what sort of person they want representing them to the rest of the world.