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The Future of Investing…Now



What is Wealthfront?

The company Wealthfront has created an Algorithm for investing, and they have now reached 1Billion in Assets. What does that mean for you? If your debating hiring a Broker, you can also consider using an Algorithm to invest.

Wealthfront is an Algorithm Technology for investing they call themselves a “Single-stock diversification service.” It’s a seemingly new company, that just hit the Billion Dollar mark. It has accumulated more than 10 percent of Twitter’s 3,000 employees as investors.

This Algorithm is Smart. I think we can also compare it to another company that many have heard of called Google? Some of the investing techniques are revolved around spending habits. Some of the algorithms are to trade with better interest rates. All of the products Wealthfront has to offer has the individual investor in mind.

How to Get Started

The investments can be as small as counting the change in your pockets, and rounding up, for credit card purchases, mortgage payments and numerous other transactions, that can be managed. Every purchase and transaction can be an opportunity to invest. This is splitting the broker model right down the middle.

Do they have their eyes set on 2 trillion in managing assets?

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How do you gather the spare change to reach the goal of 2 trillion? Wealthfront estimates is 90 million people in the U.S. with a net worth of $2 trillion total. “Investment companies in the past have set there eyes on baby bomers, Wealthfront focuses on individuals in their 20’s.” Declares Wealthfront, “We hope that by focusing on Millennials the way Schwab focused on Baby Boomers, we can continue our rapid growth to $10 billion, $100 billion, and beyond.”

Why is this news so big? Wealthfront reached its first $1 billion in assets in less than half the time it took Schwab. It’s not so hard to believe, as investments in technology, key held by intricate statistics and trades, rather than broker or advisor looking into your portfolio.

Numerous journalists, and investors are talking about Wealthfront, Dan Kadlec, Money Titled this article, “This app could help you retire on spare change.” Quiet but extraordinary technology for people that understand how algorithms work, and want to invest more for themselves.

Read more with Mariah Summers, on Buzzfeed

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