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The 4 Hottest Careers in the US This 2021



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If you’re in the market to switch to the hottest careers, you’re in luck! The upheaval that brought about the coronavirus pandemic turned the labor market inside out.

While many companies shifted to remote or hybrid work in order to ensure business continuity, many industries received a boost as well. Demand for workers in these industries grew as their roles in the economy grew as well. 

Predicting which jobs will ultimately flourish after the pandemic remains unknown. However, the industries listed below already made their case of being indispensable.

If you’re considering a career shift or thinking about where to invest right now, below are the top four hottest careers that are about to break out. 

RELATED: Commerce Head Out to Save US Jobs, 1 Computer Chip at a Time

Actuarial and Statistician

Hiring Career Employment Human Resources Concept-Hottest Careers

The actuarial and statistical fields are looking at 20 to 30% growth rates by 2030. Its current practitioners are now enjoying a median income well within six figures.

For people who enjoy numbers and remain fascinated with analytics, this might be a good career choice. Many actuaries find their employment in insurance companies, carefully examining clients if they are good candidates for insurance coverage.

A solid aptitude in risk assessment backed up by numbers is now becoming an in-demand skill. Of course, a bachelor’s degree in actuarial science and a license is minimum requirement. 

For non-insurance types, other companies look to hire statisticians and data scientists. The jobs entail looking at data and projecting the future based on them.

Stat geeks and analytics people also identify potential risks that prevent businesses from going up. In addition, they also identify areas that can potentially boost growth. The wealth of tools available in the industry means more and more opportunities for both. 

Information Technology

IT isn’t much of a new growth field but rather a consistent one. Ever since computers took over a lot of major work, the people in charge of running these computers remain in demand.

However, the pandemic opened a new growth area by institutionalizing remote work and online transactions. 

While a Bachelor's degree is great, companies are cool with hiring people who learned how to code on their own. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) sees the industry growing by 22%.

This means over 300,000 new jobs with an average salary of $100,000. If you’re the type who prefers facing a computer instead of other people, this is a good opportunity.

Supply Chain Management

With stores dealing with supply and delivery problems, supply chain management is overdue for an upgrade. This is why many companies are beefing up their logistics and warehousing operations, hiring Purchasing agents, logistics analysts, and distribution managers.

A bachelor’s degree will put your foot in the door, but a graduate degree can push you upwards. Industrial engineers are welcome, but other fields that combine math, statistics, and engineering should work as well. 


Not a surprising field, but lucrative and in-demand as well. All the news about COVID-19 showed a glaring shortcoming: skilled nurses and healthcare workers are very much in short supply.

The pandemic just made it worse. Even if the pandemic ends today, the industry will still need about half a million new workers.

While the work can be tedious, the pay average of $112,000 (plus overtime)  is nothing to sneeze at. Just have your bachelor’s degree in Nursing available, or at the least get an associate degree in healthcare. 

Leverage Your Skill Set, or Learn A New One

It’s never too late to shift skills if you have the aptitude and the attitude to do so. Brush up on those required skills, or leverage or existing ones.

The pandemic isn’t the end of the world. While it did close or reduce some industries, it opened the doors for new ones to flourish. The secret is identifying which ones are within your line of sight. 

Watch the Silicon Valley Girl video outlining the 15 most In-demand jobs in 2021:

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Happy Thanksgiving! Do you see yourself shifting careers or industries within this year or next? Do you think that’s a good idea?

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