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Jeff Bezos Pledges 2 Billion Dollars To Help Restore Nature



Amazon founder Jeff Bezos pledged $2 billion in funding to help save the environment. It includes helping restore nature and transform food systems. The fund is part of the $10 billion Bezos Earth Fund. This is the billionaire’s commitment to spend his own money on fighting climate change.   

RELATED: After Amazon, Jeff Bezos Will Head Off To Outer Space

‘Protect Our World’

Let's save our planet earth-2 Billion

Speaking in front of delegates of the COP26 climate conference last Tuesday. “Nature is beautiful but it is also fragile. I was reminded of this in July when I went into space with Blue Origin,” he said.

He recalled that someone told him that viewing Earth from space changes how people see the world. Bezos said he wasn’t prepared for how much that was true.

Describing 2021 as a critical year, Bezos then called for the world to “stand together to protect our world.”

“Each year, forests and landscapes absorb 11 billion tons of CO2 from the atmosphere. As we destroy nature, we reverse this process,” he told attendees of the UK event.

“In too many parts of the world, nature is already flipping from a carbon sink to a carbon source. This is a profound danger to us all,” he added. 

Bezos Earth Fund

Earlier last month, the Bezos Earth Fund also pledged $1 billion in grants to focus on conservation efforts. With the $2 billion donations, Bezos has now committee a total of $3 billion of his Earth fund. 

“Together, this $3 billion in pledges will drive a new threefold nature agenda for the Bezos Earth Fund, focused simultaneously on conservation, restoration, and food transformation,” Bezos said.

“We must conserve what we still have, we must restore what we’ve lost and we must grow what we need to live without degrading the planet for future generations to come.”

Bezos Focused On Blue Origin and Earth Fund

After stepping down as Amazon CEO last July, Bezos turned his sights on Blue Origin. This is the space exploration company he owned.

Last July, Bezos joined a crew and flew into space aboard one of his company’s rockets. He also set up the Bezos Earth Fund with $10 billion in seed money to fight climate change, “the biggest threat to our planet.”  

“This global initiative will fund scientists, activists, NGOs — any effort that offers a real possibility to help preserve and protect the natural world,” he wrote in an Instagram post.

“I want to work alongside others both to amplify known ways and to explore new ways of fighting the devastating impact of climate change on this planet,” he explained.

“It's going to take collective action from big companies, small companies, nation-states, global organizations, and individuals,” he added. 

Concerns Over Space Travel

However, many people expressed concerns over the effects of the private space travel industry. Firms like Blue Origin are damaging the environment as it takes on paying passengers.

This includes some Amazon workers who are deeply critical of their employer's own environmental record. In addition, these employees said that Amazon remains complicit in the climate crisis. To make this environmental crusade work, Amazon itself must change its ways.

“We applaud Jeff Bezos' philanthropy, but one hand cannot give what the other is taking away,” Amazon Employees For Climate Justice said in a statement in response to the pledge.

Watch the Associated Press video reporting that Jeff Bezos pledges $2bn to combat climate change:

What do you think about Jeff Bezos’ $2 Billion donations to restore nature and change food systems?

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What do you think of Jeff Bezos’s $2 billion donations to help fight climate change? Do you think this will actually help in reversing the effects of climate change?

Let us know what you think about funding environmental efforts? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.



  • Concerned Citizen SD,CA says:

    Bezos is spending on creating a better image of himself and the monstrous Amazon. Giving himself a $2B write off helps him greatly. On the true side of this ; Bezos Earth Fund is run by him. Just another shell game movement of capital benefiting him not a true outlay toward any NGO that concentrates its efforts on saving nature jobs.

  • Geofrank says:

    All the talk of ‘climate change’ muddies the water. Climate change has been with us since before the beginning of written history. Environmental this, environmental that. Someone must start addressing ‘ECOLOGY’ and the spoliation of the seas, depletion of the soil, and the amount of toxins deposited in “the environment.” It’s not global warming – or cooling- it’s global poisoning. Call it what it is.

  • Tulah Vatalaro says:

    Besides needs to spend a large chunk of his money to ensure no one in the current administration ever gets re elected, pay off our national debt and education for everyone to understand the documents of the founding fathers.

  • John smith says:

    Climate change is nothing more then away for our government to gain more control over our lives. Climate change is natural and has been happening since the creation of earth. Do you harm the earth yes by polluting it. He should spend his money on things that matter like cleaning up our ocean and beaches, helping hungry children in our country not go hungry creating organization that helps find missing women and children or maybe help Indian tribes by providing decent housing schooling and healthcare for them something our government seems to have forgotten about.

  • Branden Oconnell says:

    Climate change is real and those who don’t understand that are doomed to a life of stupidity oh and bezos is just a perfect example of capitalism if you don’t like him your a communist socialist 🤣 change my mind 😂

  • Truth matters says:

    U obviously know nothing about GEOENGINEERING & the massive environmental crimes that globalists cover up ( in the name of greed, power & control)

    How about “ WEATHER as WARFARE” …that’s been going on for 70 years ( maybe more) & that most people are oblivious to. Yes. These strategic man-made weather attacks ( fires, floods, WINTER IN TEXAS 😉….”earthquakes”) …I realize this sounds unbelievable…but it’s tragically true….brought to u by these “philanthropic” globalist psycho control freaks.
    I’m NOT against u Branden. U live on this plant too….& unless u have a ticket to Mars, u owe it to urself to understand what’s REALLY happening. Its truly despicable!

    I’m very PRO CAPITALISM 100%…..but what these psychos are doing is perverted & insane soulless MATERIALISM ON STEROIDS. GEOENGINEERINGWATCH.ORG……know the truth. EVERYTHING WE’VE BEEN TAUGHT IS A LIE. THIS is the matrix☹️

  • RetrumplicanQ says:

    We have learned that you can lie to the RetrumplicanQ party because trump is the only person that can lie never telling the truth and they still believe everything he says. And don’t forget Fox News broadcasts on dead woman voting in fraudulent election they hosted her husband ask who would do this and later police found out husband was the one that voted for his dead wife. Lie after lie.

  • Anonymous says:


  • JOEL K GOODMAN says:


  • Thomas says:

    What about the food chain change? According to Bill Gates, that is one of their tools for population control.

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