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A Pandemic Is Not a Business Model, W/Blue Apron’s Linda Findley Kozlowski



Masters of Scale with Reid Hoffman | A pandemic is not a business model | Featured

Rapid Response: A pandemic is not a business model, w/Blue Apron's Linda Findley Kozlowski

With the pandemic, cooking at home got a renewed boost, and meal-kit outfits saw a rise in demand. But a year in, the trend toward at-home dining now faces a new inflection point.

We're talking with Linda Findley Kozlowski, CEO of meal-kit pioneer Blue Apron because she’s on the frontlines of assessing which pandemic-fueled behaviors will persist, and in what ways.

Early on, Linda made the choice NOT to sop up every ounce of demand, instead of focusing on what she calls sustainable growth.

Blue Apron has seen a flood of new competitors come onto the market, but her bet is that long-term trends and a differentiated product will matter more than crisis opportunity. As she puts it, a pandemic is not a business model.

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