With over 600,000 deaths and millions of cases from this horrific pandemic, wouldn't it make sense (at least, common sense), for all of us to cooperate with the public health efforts of the scientists and experts in the area?
It never made sense to me when some resisted wearing mask-making claims such as it restricted their freedoms/ rights, etc!
From an ethical perspective, shouldn't the greater good especially related to overcoming this virus and its impacts be the most – desirable course of action.
Besides the obvious health impacts, this has had an overall negative impact on most areas of our lives limiting us and harming our individual economic situation!
Instead of celebrating the introduction of remarkably successful safe vaccinations which if nearly – everyone took advantage of a significant number of Americans have thus far refused to take!
Since the roll-out of these vaccines, predominantly those who refuse to be vaccinated have been 97% of the serious cases (requiring, hospitalization, or worse).
With, that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider examine review and discuss 5 keys to why we are currently where we are.
RELATED: Bill Gates Says Conspiracy Theories Delaying End of Pandemic
The Current Phase Of This Pandemic: 5 Keys
1. Vaccinated, versus unvaccinated: Why should getting meaningful treatment, and getting the vaccine, be a partisan, political issue/ decision? Yet, when we look at a map, of where vaccinations, have the lowest numbers, it almost, consistently, coincides, with the election map, of areas of so-called, red, and blue areas!
Yesterday, the Governor of New Jersey, stated, in that state, 99.2% of the cases, were unvaccinated, and, national figures, are similar (approximately, 97%).
2. Should we still, wear masks during pandemic?: The largest percentage of those, who resisted, wearing masks, are the same, as those, refusing vaccinations!
Since, children, under 12, and some, extremely – at – risk, individuals, haven't been (can't get) vaccinated, those individuals, who make a decision to refuse, are, not, only, risking their own health, but the well – being, of others.
Since, many of the variants, spread more quickly, than the original virus, there may be scenarios, where it is, still wise, to wear masks, such as in crowded, indoor situations, schools (especially, with younger children), etc.
3. Variants, such as Delta: Variants of the virus, such as the Delta Variant, are becoming, prevalent! It seems, the vaccinations, largely – protect, against these, especially, against the most serious cases! Therefore, wouldn't it make sense, for the common good, to prevail?
4. Overall public health/ greater good: Historically, there have been precedents, regarding, requiring most, to get some vaccine, such as polio treatments, measles, mumps, etc! In order for a child, to be registered, in most schools, he must show proof, of receiving several of these! The public health, and the greater good, should, and most, prevail!
5. Common sense/ Politics: Although, on many occasions, we have witnessed, that, common sense, is extremely, rare when it comes to public policies, etc, shouldn't ensuring health and safety, be a popular, desirable one? Let's demand, politics, be removed, from safety – type, issues!
The shutdowns, in this country, began in March 2020, and, have only, been lifted, in many regions, recently (although, some, such as California, have resumed, indoor – mask restrictions, etc)!
For the health, safety, and well-being, and to eliminate the damaging impacts of this pandemic, wouldn't it make sense, for each of us, to do our part, and get vaccinated?