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World-Class Health in 100 Words



Chasing-Excellence | World-Class Health in 100 Words | featured

World-Class Health in 100 Words

Modern medicine might define health as the absence of disease, but that's not a good enough definition for us. So we're offering our own, in a format that many CrossFitters will recognize. (See full episode description for text.)

100 Words of Health

Create an environment in which it's easy to eat well, move often, sleep lots, think deeply, & create real connections. Be intentional; don't just hope it happens. Chase what sets your heart on fire.

Seek out challenges, feedback, and opportunities to serve something bigger than yourself. Respect your breath. Control your attention. Spend time outside. Recognize that health is the result of choices & luck.

Focus on what you can control. Avoid defining it by a single number. Avoid fads & gurus. Avoid complaining & people who do. Optimize everything for consistency & sustainability. Treat yourself like someone who matters.

About the Show

Chasing Excellence is dedicated to dissecting what it means to live a life of excellence, inside the gym and out. New episodes every Tuesday.

About Ben

Ben Bergeron is a best-selling author, coach to 7 CrossFit Games champions, and founder of CFNE and CompTrain.

About Patrick

Patrick Cummings is a long-time CrossFitter, podcaster, and brand coach. You can find out more about what he's working on here.

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